1753 - First Hospital Staff
1800 - Hospital Staff
An artist’s impression of the first staff to work at the Royal Hospital Haslar and also a patient possibly one of the first 100 patients to be admitted in October 1753.
A new century and with a change in uniforms the staff are now joined by a nurse. The Agent acted as a supply officer to the hospital and occupied an office in the Main Arcade with the Marine undertaking sentry duties to prevent the patients as pressed men from escaping.
1890 - Matron and Sisters
1896 - Naval Surgeons
Miss Louisa Hogg, Head Nurse poses with her nurses at the front of the Arcade. This is one of the first nursing staff photographs to be found.
Summer time and the Naval Surgeons pose for the camera in ‘Cowes Rig’ (white trousers and frock coats) in the grounds at the front of Haslar close to what was the old Medical Mess on the ground floor of what is now ‘D’ Block.
1902 - QARNNS Nursing Sisters
1907 - Sick Berth Assistants
Miss Grace Mackay with QARNNS Nursing Sisters. It is possible that this picture was taken in front of the new Nursing Sisters Mess.
Sick Berth Staff at their ease in front of the Arcade. In the early days they were also known as Sick Bay Stewards.
1910 - RNH Haslar Medical Officers
1910 - Police and Hospital Ground Staff
Medical Officers posing for the camera in the grounds possibly opposite the newly opened Medical Mess. The Senior Medical Officer present is believed to be Surgeon Rear Admiral T Gimlette, CB RN, Inspector of Hospitals and Fleets.
The Law and Ground Staff who acted as Fire Crew pose for the camera as the main gate with the Porters Lodge in the background.
1910 - Operating Theatre Staff
1920 - Hospital Catering Staff
Operating Theatre Staff in the first Operating Theatre at Haslar that was situated on the first floor above the Arcade. This operating theatre remained in use until the end of the 1960’s by which time another three theatres had entered service.
The picture is of the Chefs and Stewards of the Medical Mess with the Senior Steward or caterer.
1920 - Hospital Workers
1928 - Night Duty Staff
This photograph has names on the back that proves many members of the same family worked in Haslar. It is thought that these members of staff were ground staff and hospital support staff. The hospital dog is the only one not wearing a cap.
Sick Berth Attendants pose for a photograph having completed their night duty.
1937 - Sick Berth Staff Probationers
1938 - Sick Berth Assistants
Probationary Sick Berth Staff pose with course instructors and Surgeon Rear Admiral C Buckeridge, CB OBE RN in the grounds of Canada Block.
A year later and another course passes out from training and pose for the camera with Surgeon Rear Admiral T Creaser, KHP RN. All Sick Bay staff wore the same uniform known as ‘Tiffies Rig’ this was to change in the early 1960s.
1946 - Medical Mess Staff
1990 - QARNNS Nursing Staff
Medical Mess photograph with Surgeon Rear Admiral O’Flyn, CB KHP RN
2003 - Tri-Service Medical Staff
2003 - Civilian Personnel Staff
Royal Hospital Haslar became a Tri-Service hospital on the 1st April 1996 and is staffed by Royal Navy, Army and RAF medical staff.
The hospital is supported by a wide range of civilian personnel and not one flat cap amongst them!