Haslar Heritage Group


Funeral and Thanksgiving services are held in St Luke’s Church for those with a strong connection to the hospital, residents, the Royal Navy or the Defence Medical Services and their close relatives.

Please contact;


or Alverstoke Parish on 023 9258 0551 for further details or to make arrangements.

Burial of Ashes

The laying to rest of cremated remains in the Haslar Memorial Garden (the old hospital cemetery 1826-1858) is also available for those with strong links to the hospital or the Defence Medical Services.

A short service can be arranged at the burial if desired.

Please contact stlukes@haslarheritagegroup.co.uk to make arrangements.

Wedding Blessings

Wedding blessings may be conducted in St Luke’s following, for example, a civil marriage.

As St Luke’s is no longer registered under the Armed Forces Act to conduct marriages, a full marriage ceremony will require an Archbishop’s Licence to be obtained.


Baptism services may be held by request.  Please contact Alverstoke Parish office, 023 9258 0551, in the first instance.

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