Haslar Heritage Group

The Russians at Haslar - 1808-1809

The Admission of Russian Military to the Royal Hospital Haslar from November 1808 to August 1809. Eric C Birbeck MVO and Robert Goetz.

Robert Goetz 
Robert has studied the Russian Navy and Army of the Napoleonic wars and has a long standing interest in the French Revolution and Napoleonic era.
He is an author of several award winning articles concerning the Russian Army and its campaigns.
I am most grateful for his cooperation and support  in writing this paper and his guidance regarding the historical introduction and the listing of the Russian Fleet and at the same time for his encouragement to tell the story of Russian Patients at Portsmouth and Haslar, a little known and unique story concerning the Napoleonic wars.
‘1805 Austerlitz’

Eric C Birbeck MVO
Eric served in the Royal Navy Medical Service for 32years  specialising in Operating Theatres, especially Anaesthetics, he also served in NATO ending his Naval Career  in charge of the medical centre onboard Her Majesty’s Yacht Britannia. Eric then joined the Ministry of Defence as a Technical Officer at Haslar managing the Anaesthetic department retiring in 2008.
He came to know the history of the Royal Hospital Haslar during his 45 year continual association with the hospital.
An author and founding member of the Haslar Heritage Group in 2007, for continuous service to Her Majesty the Queen, Eric was appointed a member of the Royal Victorian Order.
A Visit to Haslar 1916’
‘Royal Hospital Haslar A Pictorial History’

Public Record Office (PRO) Kew.     Access to Haslar registers
Thank you to Yvonne for her patience and assistance with patient details and admissions transcribed from ADM files PRO Kew. PRO File information is listed as footnotes.
Thank you to Lt Cdr Peter Derby for his tabulation of the lists (patients and admissions).

Copyright: All information remains copyright of Eric C Birbeck MVO & Robert Goetz and are not to reproduced without prior permission.
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