Quote…..It can be said that the whole business was an unqualified success, both as regards the treatment of patients and co-operation with the Army and forces of all nations. Very many grateful letters of thanks were received from patients’ relatives and from patients themselves………….
Surgeon Captain F C Hunot RN – Royal Naval Medical Journal 1945.
… Old Haslar had through a vision of the Admiralty in the 18th Century had once again served the Nation, supported by the many hospital staff, who gave up sleep and rest to care for the wounded:
This Article is dedicated to all who served at Haslar during WWII and especially during ‘Operation Overlord’.
Royal Naval Medical Officers and RNR.
Royal Naval Dental Service and RNDR.
Royal Naval Sick Berth Staff and Sick Berth Staff Reserve.
Queen Alexandra’s Royal Naval Nursing service and QARNNS Reserve.
The Voluntary Aid Detachment (Navy).
Civil Service.
Red Cross.
Women’s Voluntary Services.
My thanks to QARNNS Archive for their support and encouragement in formulating and collating this article.
Eric C Birbeck MVO
Haslar Heritage Group
April 2019