The QARNNS Association Standard
In 2022 the Queen Alexandra’s Royal Naval Nursing Service (QARNNS) Association Chair was approached by the Royal British Legion (RBL) inviting the Association to Parade their Standard at the next Festival of Remembrance Service. At that time the QARNNS Association did not own a Standard so it was decided to purchase one.
To Parade the Standard at the Festival of Remembrance it had to be ‘Dedicated’, this involved arranging a short service for the dedication to take place
There is an annual QARNNS Remembrance Service every November, which was held in St Luke’s Church Haslar for the first time in 2023, and it was decided that the dedication service should be incorporated into the Remembrance Service.

The furled Standard was taken to the altar by the QARNNS Association Standard Bearer,
After a short address given by the QARNNS Association chair, the service of dedication began by the Honorary Port Chaplain of the Seafarers in Portsmouth. The QARNNS Association Chair requested the Chaplain on behalf of the QARNNS Association to bid God’s blessing on the Standard.
The Standard was unfurled with its tassels freed where it was hung from the head of the pike.
The Chaplain placed the Standard on the Altar saying; We are gathered here to receive and bless this Standard, the solemn symbol of loyalty and with it ourselves, our service, and our lives. May the Standard never be unfurled save in the cause of justice, righteousness, and truth. This was followed by a prayer and facing the Standard the Chaplain said the ‘Glory of God and as a symbol of our duty to him and our service to His Majesty the King, we receive and bless this Standard in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.’
The Chaplain said a final prayer and handed the Standard to the Standard Bearer. Two verses of the National Anthem were sung then the dismissal and blessing.
The Standard Bearer and the clergy lead the way out of the church.
t is hoped that the Association will be invited by the RBL to proudly parade the Standard this year at the Festival of Remembrance.
This dedication service, and ownership of our own Standard was and is an historic moment for the QARNNS Association.